Sunday, October 4, 2009

Art Attack

My assignments for art class are killing me! We have so many tasks and i have so many other things to do... T_T Well, since i will graduate and become a primary school teacher, art subject is necessary (Actually, so does any other subject. When you are a primary school teacher, you need to be ready to teach anything, a reason i had so many subjects to learn...)

Alright, i just would like to share with you my work. They are not pretty, mind you, and i'm posting them here so that i won't lose their copy once i have submitted them. I do have them in my laptop but it won't last for long if anything happens to my dear Edward(my personal laptop). Well, unless something happens to blogspot... *skeptical*

My first work of the day... (up there!)

It is a floral motif plus curtain picture, so i named it mother's curtain. Since it would be quite irrelevant to name it father's curtain (hey, i'm being gender biased here!!!!), i simply chose mother as the appropriate tactic to fulfill the evil ambition of inner demon and her crazy minions... hahahaha... (i'm completely off my rocker for the lack of sleep)...

Alright, i'm being serious now. The task is to draw a black and white picture of anything. It is a practice of drawing, lining as well as inking. A lot of my friends copied some pictures from somewhere, and because i'm such a stubborn and hard headed person i decided to draw something of my own, meaning it is hundred percent experimental... hahaha... so that is the product. I will share with you some other works later...

Then, i'm off! ^_^

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