Monday, October 5, 2009

Let the cute cat out of the bag

Lol, i simply use the proverb because the kitty is too cute, it's making me crazy... The first time i saw its face i yelled to myself, in front of Edward, my typical crazy line 'Momiau! Momiau!' I know it sounds stupid but in my personal language it means cat. It is true that i am quite obsessed with Nihongo for these three years that i might as well refer it as 'neko-chan'. or just 'cat', in my second favourite language... i know some other names too...

In Arabic we call it 'hurairah'. Abu Hurairah, the well-known hadith quoter loved cats, a reason he was later named so.

In Tagalog, the latest language i learn, a cat is called 'pussa'. Cute isn't it. So it tells me that the word pussy cat might not entirely be English then. In Spanish, however the word 'gato' or 'felino' come up... I thought Spanish and Tagalog would be the same since they have the same word for cow.

What about mandarin? It is called 'mao'. Hahaha... of all the languages, this one is the cutest, * jumping up with joy, motivated to learn Mandarin more* because cats indeed make sounds like that! ^_^

And lastly, Bahasa Melayu cat is 'kucing'...

No matter what they are called... cats are all 'momiau' for me hehehehe...

By the way, for English Language learner, 'to let the cat out of the bag' means to tell a secret ^_^

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